Space Case Grinder
AFFORDABLE AND DURABLE GRINDERSSpace Case Grinders produce weed grinders and weed containers. Here at VapeActive, we carry different products from Space Case from 2-piece grinders to 4-piece grinders. We also carry Space Case containers as well as Space Case Scout grinder and container in one. Space Case grinders are durable and reliable so you can carry your weed with you wherever you go. Enjoy sweet deals when you use our Space Case coupon codes when you buy Space Case grinders online. |

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About Space Case Grinders
Space Case Grinders are one of the best herb grinder brands on the market today. Their products are made with some of the best raw materials and are processed using state-of-the-art machinery making it the first and the original high-end aluminum herb grinder and were the first company that set the bar and the golden standard for herb grinding. While Space Case Grinders are regarded as a premium brand, they pride themselves in making some of the simplest and most straightforward herb grinders; these include products like the Space Case Grinder – 2 Piece, the Space Case Grinder – 4 Piece, as well as multi-purpose herb grinders like the Space Case Grinder Scout and the Space Case 4 Piece Scout Grinder/Sifter. They also have a functional herb container and is aptly named the Space Case Container.
Space Case Grinders was established in 1998. They are considered as the pioneers in herb grinding as they started the herb grinder revolution at a time when grinding herbs wasn’t exactly a thing. Grinding herbs plays an important part in your overall consumption method and Space Case Grinders have been researching and developing herb grinders at a time when consumers were used to breaking down botanicals and buds with their hands. This proves that Space Case Grinders were simply way ahead of their time. They’ve been at it since 1998 and they’ve known and promoted the importance of grinding your herbs since then.
But what benefits do you exactly get from grinding your herbs and what can we learn from the Space Case Grinder brand?
The Importance of Grinding Your Herbs
As we’ve mentioned, milling your herbs and cutting them down to smaller particles can help you maximize your sessions. Here are a few good reasons why you should be grinding your herbs.
One is that they fit your bowls and your chambers better when they’re ground. Some of us prefer smoking our botanicals, some, like to vaporize it. Either way, having to break down your herbs is a necessary step if you want to consume it using these methods. Whether you grow your own or you buy from dispensaries, chances are, the actual plant matter you have with you comes in nuggets. Big bulky, lumps and chunks of herbs that won’t exactly fit your bowl or your herb chamber as is. Furthermore, if you like rolling spliffs, you really need to achieve a suitable consistency. You just can’t pack a mass of dry herb strains on your gear whether you’re smoking it or you’re vaping it.

Another is that it allows the herbs to react better to heat. One of the reasons why smoking and vaping is the most common method of consuming herbs is because heat activates the compounds and the active ingredients found in the plant matter. When you don’t grind your herbs, they are not evenly heated and therefore, the active ingredients from the herbs are not fully activated and are not entirely extracted from the plant material. This results in wastage and you will end up using more of your herbs just to get the result you want to achieve.
Furthermore, grinding your herbs allows you and your botanicals to cover better surface area than just packing them as they are. The more surface is your herbs cover the more material you get to pack. The more material there is in your vaporizer, bowl, or joint, the better the experience is. You get to reap more of the benefits of your materials without having to run for another reload, you’ll need for fewer spliffs, and you need not pack another bowl. This basically means that your entire experience is maximized when grinding your materials.
Space Case Grinders knew all these and they have factored in these elements of herb consumption in manufacturing their products. They knew that at the time they launched their products, consumers didn’t exactly practice milling their herbs and did not know the reason why they have to. They designed herb grinders that are easy to use and requires only a straightforward operation. This meant that consumers need not see grinding herbs as a daunting task. They can easily grind their materials and maximize their sessions making their grinding experience more enjoyable instead of a pain. This allowed many others to follow and take up the practice of grinding their herbs.
Many consumers have since seen the practice of milling herbs as an essential part of their consumption and have then considered it a cornerstone of herb use whether for recreational or for medical use. This has allowed many consumers to experience one significant benefit to grinding herbs – collecting pollen.
See, when you use scissors or when you break the herbs by hand or by fingers, you lose one essential component, pollen. Pollen, colloquially known as kief or keef, is a resinous substance that clings on the leaves and on the flowers of your select plant material. These pollens carry significant and potent amounts of the plant’s major active ingredients; the ones that give it both its psychoactive and curative properties. When collected, these pollens can be used in a wide array of applications, from being additives on food and beverages to making butter and even topicals, these pollens allow you to further maximize your materials. Space Case Grinders used a special kind of a grinder that allows its users to collect pollen using a screen that sifts the ground materials and allows only the finer powdery substance to fall through and collected on a small compartment. Pollen can otherwise fall on the ground, on your table, or just stick to your fingers without a special grinder.
Pollen is now treated as an integral part of the plant matter that handling it with your bare hands is now considered malpractice since it’s said to damage and tarnish the remaining resin on the plant matter with the oil on your skin. This is why grinding herbs is important and what we’ve learned from Space Case Grinders is that grinding your herbs should not be seen as a daunting task. It can be easy and enjoyable and we can all benefit from this practice.
A Premium Variety
Space Case Grinders are often seen as a more expensive brand, a premium variety of herb grinders mainly because of the quality of their products and the overall raw materials from where the end products are sourced from.
Being in the business for two decades allowed the Space Case allowed them to gain the right information on how grinders should be made. Moreover, they’re backed by a founder and a man with over 35 years of experience in the industrial world as a machinist with an aerospace background and have been involved in manufacturing detailed parts used for precision and accuracy involving items used in surgical equipment to space exploration tools. This is one of the reasons why Space Case Grinders have always been successful in their endeavors. They are backed by the right people who know what to do and where to find the materials needed for manufacturing the best herb grinders.
You can say that high-quality is part of Space Case Grinder’s DNA. They have put their knowledge about space-grade products and translate that to tools to help you grind your herbs.
Space Case Grinders shakes up the industry by offering the best grinders on the market today. Their herb grinders promote versatility as Space Case Grinder products can be used by a great variety of users allowing them to own the best grinder they could own. Space Case Grinders comes with different design and different colors that would suit your vaping and smoking needs depending on what you consider best. What’s great about Space Case Grinders is its ability not only to give importance to performance but also to beautiful and sophisticated design. This element adds to the stylish feel when you use it while ensuring that performance is not sacrificed. Made with high-grade materials and are made with a proprietary kind of aluminum, Space Case Grinder products are guaranteed durable and safe for use with your select herbs and botanical plant matter. Definitely, the Space Case Grinder brand is an herb grinder brand that gives you more than an aesthetic and practical advantage. Some of their products are designed so that you can store your finely ground herbs and flower. You need not look further if you need a high-quality premium grinder.
Space Case Grinders get the job done, they ensure that your herbs and your botanicals are ground to the best consistency and that they are ground by grinders made from safe and non-toxic materials. This is the kind of quality that Space Case Grinders promises to all their customers. They’re not the kind to disappoint. They know the level of quality you need for your herbs and that the kind of quality you deserve. So, if you’re out looking for an herb grinder of superior quality, be sure to check oy Space Case Grinders. A premium herb grinder variety.
Space Case Grinders are known for many things and have changed the way we consume herbs in general. However, they are known for several qualities that separate them from the rest of the competition. Here are a few.
A Superior Grind
It is true that there are a lot of grinders on the market today. However, we all know that not all grinders are made equal. To consider a grinder to be the best of the best, it should produce a superior quality of ground materials from your herbs and from your flowers. By doing so, you can easily extract the active ingredients from your select materials. Space Case Grinders are made with teeth that are diamond-shaped. Diamond cut tooth from their herb grinders allow for better grinding of materials even if you're milling some of the stickiest herbs. Herbs tend to get stick when they carry high moisture content. Herbs that are too moist can cause a grinder to dull or at least get sticky. Instead of promoting a smooth experience, the smaller particles that are damp can make their way to the corners and the crevices of the grinder. It can also stick to the teeth of the grinder making it all harder for the average grinder to function. Space Case Grinders employ diamond-shaped tooth that allows you to cut your herbs to the texture and consistency of your liking.

Some herb grinders use pyramid-shaped tooth or poles instead of a diamond-shaped one. These designs may just cause the herbs inside the grinders, especially when they’re wet, to just crumple and not be shred. Yes, they can get separated into smaller portions but the end result is rather uneven. These diamond-shaped teeth also allow you to cut the herbs both ways so you need not follow a single direction when grinding your materials. You can twist your herb grinder and turn it any way you choose and you’d still get the same result. This makes grinding herbs and breaking them down to smaller pieces more convenient and more comfortable.
Each Space Case Grinder is subjected to strict quality testing to ensure that they have the superior quality you can find only on Space Case Grinder products.
Superior Durability
Space Case Grinders are made durable especially because they use high-quality aluminum metal. Instead of just buying raw aluminum outright, Space Case Grinders communicate with their vendor and source a special kind of aluminum. Because of their years of experience and exposure in the field of industrial manufacturing, they have developed a certain set of specifications and qualifications for a superior kind of aluminum. This kind of aluminum material is stronger and is more robust. This kind of aluminum has helped Space Case Grinders achieve superior results since it allows their diamond-shaped cutting blades to remain strong and sturdy even after grinding some of the most stubborn of herbs.
The aluminum metal they use gives their products superior durability and lighter weight. Because aluminum is one of the main choices for aircraft construction, the same qualities you find on the very aircraft you trust and board can be found on Space Case Grinder products. The same aluminum material has been employed since Space Case Grinders started and has remained relevant and effective to this day.
Speaking of aluminum, because of Space Case Grinders’ involvement in industrial construction, they are led to believe that there is no such thing as medical-grade aluminum materials. Their background tells them that the only difference in aluminum quality is in terms of tensile strength and added elements. Those who claim their products are made from medical-grade quality aluminum is free to explain why and how they have arrived at that conclusion. The kind of aluminum used by Space Case Grinders is not your everyday aluminum. It's something they have helped to develop from the get-go and they’ve decided that to put it on a grinder is the best way to use it. They stand behind the quality of their product and the quality of raw materials they use in the said products.
So, if you want an herb grinder that will last you longer than the average grinder, make sure to check out Space Case Grinders.
Superior Pollen Collector
Apart from the superior aluminum used by Space Case Grinders, they also use a superior quality stainless-steel for their screens.
The material they use is a medical-grade T-316 stainless steel screen. In using this kind of metal screen, Space Case Grinders can ensure not only that it can collect a good amount of pollen but they can also be sure that there will be no kind of bacterial or fungal buildup on the screen. If you rarely clean the screens of your herb grinder, you might run into the problem of having bacteria and fungi develop on the screen. That's because the screen from the average grinder will often times have uneven micron openings. What this does is that it allows some of the pollen to get stuck on the screen. Moist pollen can catch bacteria and other microorganisms along the way especially if you do not clean your grinder every so often. When bacteria and fungi develop on the screen, it can affect your other herbs and can even put you in danger. This is why the quality of the stainless-steel screen is important. You don’t want to compromise future sessions just because you were negligent with the quality of the screen on your herb grinder.
Another thing is that the micron size of the stainless-steel screen on Space Case Grinders is just right. They’re not too big but they’re also not too small. A pollen screen that has big micron size is not an effective pollen catcher. What it does instead is to allow smaller and finer pieces of herbs as well as dirt and other microscopic specs that might have been included in the actual plant matter. These include fertilizers and even body parts of dead bugs. What’s worse is that in order to maximize pollen efficacy, you have to wait until you collect a significant amount of pollen over time. And when you do that, you let these microscopic elements sit in your pollen stash and it might contaminate the stash itself ruining and destroying all the pollen in it.
The stainless-steel screens are pressed mechanically on to the grinder to ensure durability. These guys know what they’re doing and it shows since the pollen screen does not fall off nor does it easily break away from its base. This is done via a 360-degree tapered locking system that gives the screen of Space Case Grinders a firm and a reassuring tension. This also helps prevent buildups since the screen is to remain firm and it will retain its original integrity.
An Advanced Grinder Design
Now that you’ve seen the basic features and the basic qualities that define and separate Space Case Grinders from the competition, it’s time we talk about some of the more significant features that make them stand out.
One of these innovations is Space Case Grinder’s centering wedges. The centering wedges are outer points that are designed and are engineered to ensure that the herbs you grind are pushed back to the center of the grinder allowing each and every portion of the herbs to receive similarly and even grinding. This is to avoid uneven results, especially when grinding the larger volume of herbs. The common way to ensure that all the herbs are ground proportionally is to flip your herb grinder upside down and start grinding. After which you can flip it back again right-side-up and continue grinding until all the herbs fall down the holes (if you’re using a 4-piece or a 5-piece grinder) or just stop once you’re reached your desired consistency (if you’re using a 2-piece model).
The centering wedges push the herbs back to the center of the grinder for constant grinding. This also prevents the grinder from getting clogged and stuck since the herbs are constantly moved back to the center of the grinding section. This solves the common pitfall of the average grinder; you no longer have to keep on tapping or flipping just to ensure that you get a fine grind. This is a great example of how Space Case Grinders’ promise to making things easy and straightforward for their customers. You get superior grinding with very minimal effort. This is what premium grinders do and this is what separates them from other grinders.
Another feature that makes Space Case Grinders a cut above the rest is superb magnets. Many manufacturers have employed different kinds of magnets and these evidently produced similarly different results. Space Case Grinders believe that a magnet isn’t just a magnet. It’s an integral component that holds the grinder together, it keeps the lid as snug as a bug and it should be as reliable as any part of the herb grinder itself. This is the reason why Space Case Grinders use only the best magnets the industry has to offer. Like the aluminum raw materials, the magnets they use are carefully selected and sourced from the best manufacturers of the said material. These magnets are used by industry leaders like Space Case Grinders themselves and are manufactured under the strictest and most stringent standards. As proof of how well made these magnets are compliant tom RoHS standards which also make the magnets environmentally friendly.
Apart from all the technology applied on Space Case Grinders, their herb grinders look minimalistic and have a plain and simple look. They’re not designed in a way that they appear too extravagant, and instead, they look sleek and sophisticated. Space Case Grinders can well be the iPhone of herb grinders. Space Case Grinders are packed with features that make it a superior grinder while still maintaining a discreet and low-key design.
Also, Space Case Grinders are known to have had a generous space for containing herbs. Amongst all other herb grinders on the market today, Space Case Grinder products have one of the deepest chambers so you can grind lots of herbs for your needs making it perfect for heavy consumers and those with high tolerances from potent dry herb strains. Some of Space Case Grinder products, which we’ll get to later on, are outfitted with extremely deep chambers that are designed to specifically store ground-up herbs.
Space Case Grinders are for those who will spare no expense in achieving a superior grinding experience.
Space Case Grinder Products
Here at VapeActive, we’re proud to have carried some of the best-selling products from Space Case Grinders. We’ve got a collection of herb grinders that are authentic and original from Space Case Grinders themselves. If you’re looking for a reliable and dependable dry herb grinder, our collection is worth looking at. Here are a few of Space Case Grinder products.
The Space Case Grinders
Space Case Grinders have two basic grinder models, a 2-piece grinder and a 4-piece grinder. Both grinder models are made from a solid aluminum block that Space Case Grinder themselves have formulated and made in partnership with an American brand which they exclusively use for all their products. The said proprietary aluminum component was developed as a joint project of both Space Case Grinder and the aforementioned American company. These aluminum blocks are then subjected to CNC precision machinery to cut them to Space Case Grinder specification. The computer numeric controls cut through the aluminum with precision and accuracy. This means that the finished grinder will have no loose ends, no rattling components, and most especially, no sharp edges. Finally, both 2-piece and 4-piece models are subjected to the process of anodization which strengthens the aluminum and protects it from galling, flaking, and burring.
This helps Space Case Grinders eliminate some of the major issues of using aluminum materials for grinding your select herbs. These issues include flaking which puts you in the danger of having small flakes of the aluminum mix in the ground materials in your grinder. Consuming aluminum may have toxic effects and can cause harmful effects on your body.
Both the 2-piece and the 4-piece grinders make for a great daily driver especially if you consume herbs on a daily basis. A sleek and a premium grinder for all your herb consumption needs.
The Scout Grinder and Sifter
For those with very heavy consumption needs, they can rely on the Scout. The Space Case Scout Grinder and Sifter is a 2-in-1 tool which allows you to grind your herbs and at the same time store them. This makes an ideal tool for those who are always on-the-go or for those with really large needs.
The Scout Grinder and Sifter combines a grinder and a storage container for when you need to grind your herbs and store them at the same time. This makes a nice addition to your arsenal if you do not own a professional level grinder or container yet. The grinder part on the Scout is made of the same aluminum material used in Space Case Grinder products so you can trust that it’s of the best quality. The same quality in terms of the teeth can also be observed allowing you to slash and tear through the toughest of herbs no matter what the situation is. This means that you’re basically getting all the good stuff from the grinder models and more. Below the grinding section is a storage compartment for the ground-up materials. This even has a screen to filter through the herbs and allows you to collect pollen for later use. The Scout Grinder and Sifter is the ideal grinder and storage compartment combo for people who are always on their feet. You basically need not transfer your materials to a separate compartment or a separate container. The herbs that have been ground falls straight to an air-tight container for superior storage.
Space Case Containers
Space Case Containers are one of the best options for those looking for an on-the-go storage compartment for their herbs. Whether they are ground up or still nuggety fresh, these containers are made for superior storage especially both at home and on-the-go.
These containers have an airtight seal, this means that the material inside the container won’t easily be affected by elements from the outside and whatever is inside won’t escape the container. This is so that you get to preserve the overall quality of the herbs inside the container. It's ideal especially for people who are always on the move especially because you won’t have to deal with stale dry herbs anymore. Moreover, the containers will provide a sturdy receptacle for your fresh or ground material so your herbs and other botanical plant matter won’t spill out when you have it inside your bag. Unlike other containers that will easily bend or break, the Space Case Containers are made from the same aluminum material each Space Case Grinders are made from. You simply can’t find anything better than this.